It's Been A While...


It has definitely been a bit since I've posted. A lot has happened  in that time.    Unfortunately not all of it has been good.  I had a heart attack last year and thankfully there wasn't any damage done to my heart.  I did fairly well for about 18 months.  Then all hell broke loose   LOL.  On Christmas Eve i was admitted to the hospital for anemia.   I received a transfusion and felt pretty good for a bit.   Was there for 3 days and home for 2 when I had to go back in.

This time, they didn't know what the problem was so they kept me for a couple of days and sent me home.  

I was weak, couldn't eat, could barely walk.   My daughter had had enough and took me back to the hospital.   She told them she wasn't bringing me home til they knew what was wrong and fixed it *grins*.

Had a battery of tests and blood work only to find out I had A-Fib.  I was pretty bad for several days and I wasn't sure I was gonna see my grandkids again.    After 5 days of IV meds my heart finally went back into regular rhythm.  I ended up having an ablation on my heart to keep from going back into A-Fib.    As of today, so far so good.

Now on to more happy things.   My oldest grandson turns 18 in a couple of weeks and my youngest turned 2 in February.  They are both so special to me. Both clowns and like to have fun.  We don't get to see each other every day but we do video chat several times a week.

As far as PD Creations goes, I didn't have the strength to do much of anything with it so it's been on hiatus for a while.  I'm working on some graphics for the etsy store and they are coming along nicely. Stop by and check them out.   

I am also dipping my toes into the wonderful world of resin.   It is much fun and some of the stuff I'm making is pretty sweet if I must say so myself LOL.     Items should start showing up in the shop in about a month.

If you're still here, thanks for being here.   I'm looking forward to getting back in touch with some old friends from the Inner Circle and making new friends too!

Have a blessed day!


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